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Nova Scotia -- Halifax

  • Auteur:
    Hood, David

    On an October night in 1899 the body of a well-regarded city councilman is found floating under a Halifax wharf. Detective Inspector Culligan Baxter embarks on an investigation that leads from the waterfront, through the city's streets...

  • Auteur:
    Maher, Allison

    Andrew's mother, Marion, works for Epsom Electronics, a security company that makes high-tech spy gear to keep world leaders safe. When she goes missing on the eve of a G8 summit in Halifax, Andrew and his father work desperately to...

  • Auteur:
    Bruce, Harry

    In 1971, Harry Bruce, recognized as one of Canada's top non-fiction writers, lost his mind-according to his peers-when he left bustling, lucrative Toronto and moved his family to the tough little seaport of Halifax. Harry was already...

  • Auteur:
    Soucoup, Dan

    Covering the most significant events in the storied history of the city, A Short History of Halifax is a fascinating, accessible record. In a readable, narrative style, author Dan Soucoup offers up a to-the-point history, taking readers...

  • Auteur:
    Groenendyk, Doretta

    Seal went for a stroll...The icy puddles were too small for swimmingThe rocks were too tall for climbing.Seal saw bright lights. They sparkled.Seal liked the snow.One snowy night in downtown Halifax, Nova Scotia, a strange figure peeks...

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