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  • Elric of Melniboné. Traitor. Savior. Lover. Thief. Last king of a fallen empire whose cruelty was surpassed only by its beauty. Sustained by drugs and the vampiric powers of his...
  • The picturesque breakwater extending from the shores of Victoria attracts tourists, locals and now a murderer. Journalist Helene Unger takes daily walks on the historic edifice as...
  • What begins as a dream adventure for four amicable--if hastily met--mochileros (backpackers) quickly becomes a struggle for survival as they unravel under the duress of the jungle...

Prix littéraires du Gouverneur général de 2016 et 2015

  • When two English brothers arrive at a Barbados sugar plantation, they bring with them a darkness beyond what the slaves...
  • It's 1956, and six-year-old Eddie Toma lives with his mother, Grace, and his little brother, Lewis, near the Salmon...
  • It is 1618 in the German duchy of Württemberg. Plague is spreading, the Thirty Years’ War has begun, and fear...