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Social science

  • Author:
    Regan, Paulette, Alfred, Taiaiake

    In 2008, Canada established a Truth and Reconciliation Commission to mend the deep rifts between Aboriginal peoples and the settler society that created Canada's notorious residential school system. Unsettling the Settler Within argues that non-Aboriginal Canadians must undergo their own process of decolonization in order to truly participate in the transformative possibilities of reconciliation. Settlers must relinquish the persistent myth of themselves as peacemakers and acknowledge the destructive legacy of a society that has stubbornly ignored and devalued Indigenous experience. A compassionate call to action, this powerful book offers a new and hopeful path toward healing the wounds of the past.

  • Author:
    Nadeau, Denise M.

    What does it mean to be a white settler on land taken from peoples who have lived there since time immemorial? In the context of reconciliation and Indigenous resurgence, Unsettling Spirit provides a personal perspective on decolonization, informed by Indigenous traditions and lifeways, and the need to examine one's complicity with colonial structures. Applying autoethnography grounded in Indigenous and feminist methodologies, Denise Nadeau weaves together stories and reflections on how to live with integrity on stolen and occupied land. The author chronicles her early and brief experience of "Native mission" in the late 1980s and early 1990s in northern Canada and Chiapas, Mexico, and the gradual recognition that she had internalized colonialist concepts of the "good Christian" and the Great White Helper. Drawing on somatic psychotherapy, Nadeau addresses contemporary manifestations of helping and the politics of trauma. She uncovers her ancestors' settler background and the responsibilities that come with facing this history. Caught between two traditions – born and raised Catholic but challenged by Indigenous ways of life – the author traces her engagement with Indigenous values and how relationships inform her ongoing journey. A foreword by Cree-Métis author Deanna Reder places the work in a broader context of Indigenous scholarship. Incorporating insights from Indigenous ethical and legal frameworks, Unsettling Spirit offers an accessible reflection on possibilities for settler decolonization as well as for decolonizing Christian and interfaith practice.

  • Author:

    The traditional mythology of the West is dominated by male images: the fur trader, the Mountie, the missionary, the miner, the cowboy, the politician, the Chief. Unsettled Pasts: Reconceiving the West claims to re-examine the West through women's eyes. It draws together contributions from researchers, scholars, and academic and community activists, and seeks to create dialogue across geographic, cultural, and disciplinary boundaries. Ranging from scholarly essays to poetry, these pieces offer the reader a sample of some of today's most innovative approaches to western Canadian women's history; several of the themes that run throughout the volume have only recently been critically addressed. By rewriting the West from the perspective of women, the contributors complicate traditional narratives of the region's past by contesting historical generalizations, thus transcending the myths and "frontier" legacies that emerged out of imperial and masculine priorities and perspectives. With Contributions by: Kristin Burnett Cristine Georgina Bye Sarah Carter Mary Leah De Zwart Lesley A. Erickson Cheryl Foggo Nadine I. Kozak Siri Louie Graham A. Macdonald Florence Melchior Patricia A. Roome Eliane Leslau Silverman Olive Stickney Aritha Van Herk Muriel Stanley Venne Cora J. Voyageur

  • Author:
    McDonald, Kerry

    As schooling becomes increasingly standardized and test driven, occupying more of childhood than ever before, parents and educators are questioning the role of schooling in society. Many are now exploring and creating alternatives. In a compelling narrative that introduces historical and contemporary research on self-directed education, Unschooled also spotlights how a diverse group of individuals and organizations are evolving an old schooling model of education. These innovators challenge the myth that children need to be taught in order to learn. They are parents who saw firsthand how schooling can dull children's natural curiosity and exuberance and others who decided early on to enable their children to learn without school. Educators who left public-school classrooms discuss launching self-directed learning centers to allow young people's innate learning instincts to flourish, and entrepreneurs explore their disillusionment with the teach-and-test approach of traditional schooling.

  • Author:
    Johnson, Abby

    When Abby Johnson, director of a Planned Parenthood clinic in Texas, walked across the road in October 2009 to join the Coalition for Life, she made national headlines. In "Unplanned," she tells her story from both sides of the abortion clinic property line.

  • Author:
    Pitts, Gordon

    As tech investors the world over search for elusive unicorns (start-ups valued at over $1 billion), acclaimed business journalist Gordon Pitts asks whether there can be a place for high-tech innovation and unicorn-like value creation outside of major urban centres, whether in Atlantic Canada, rust-belt New York, or Northern Ontario. Journeying back to the origins of Radian6 and Q1 Labs -- two New Brunswick companies that sold for a combined $1 billion -- in the basements and offices of a group of geeks and dreamers, Pitts tells a story of two remarkable companies and the legacies that continue to this day. But theirs was not a simple tale of overnight success; there were sellouts and firings, comebacks and vindication, and still unfulfilled promise. This is a story of high-tech value creation far from Silicon Valley, a story of the mythical unicorn in the woods. Are the stories of Radian6 and Q1 Labs outliers, rogue datapoints that should be discarded, or the foundation for a new knowledge economy outside of the mainstream?

  • Author:
    Collins, Lily

    As young women, there are many topics we just don't talk about: our bodies, our relationships, our greatest fears. Actress Lily Collins wants to put an end to that. She wants open, honest conversation about the things we all struggle with--beginning now, with herself. For the first time, Lily shares her own deepest secrets, proving that every single one of us experiences pain and heartbreak. Her essays will inspire you to be who you are and say what you feel, to claim your voice and live your life unfiltered.

  • Author:
    Nadeau, Jean-Guy

    Pour prendre toute la mesure d'un drame complexe qui demande à être mieux compris. Les abus sexuels perpétrés par des membres du clergé sont une profonde blessure pour les victimes et un révélateur pour l'Église. Ce livre a donc deux volets. En premier lieu, il s'intéresse aux personnes ayant vécu ces agressions. L'auteur documente les conséquences humaines et spirituelles des abus et encourage à cheminer sur la voie de la guérison. L'Église peut-elle contribuer à cette guérison ? Les personnes blessées et le personnel ecclésial soucieux de les accueillir trouveront dans la première partie du volume un soutien précieux. Spécialiste des questions de sexualité en lien avec les religions, Jean-Guy Nadeau situe ensuite les abus dans le contexte de l'Église. Comment de telles horreurs ont-elles pu s'y produire et surtout, y être couvertes et de ce fait perpétuées? Quelles conversions spirituelles et quelles réformes structurelles s'imposent pour les empêcher à l'avenir ? L'AUTEUR Professeur honoraire de la Faculté de théologie de l'Université de Montréal, Jean Guy Nadeau est un des premiers experts dans le domaine des abus sexuels du clergé, qu'il étudie depuis de nombreuses années. En 2017, il collaborait au Centre for Child Protection de l'Université Grégorienne de Rome. Il a été président de la Société internationale de théologie pratique.

  • Author:
    Le Glaunec, Jean-Pierre

    Le 25 mai 2020, George Floyd, un Afro-Américain de 46 ans, meurt sous le poids d'un policier blanc lors d'une arrestation à Minneapolis. Sa mort suscite l'indignation de l'opinion publique partout dans le monde et relance le mouvement Black Lives Matter. Le 5 juin suivant, Christian Rioux, correspondant de longue date du Devoir à Paris, signe un texte intitulé « Tous Américains ? », republié deux jours plus tard dans le Courrier international. C'est la première d'une série de six chroniques polémiques sur le mouvement antiraciste. Il joint ainsi sa voix à la constellation des chroniqueurs de France et du Québec qui n'ont pas hésité à exploiter la mort de George Floyd pour mieux déployer leurs armes contre leurs cibles habituelles : le politiquement correct, les « racialistes », les vendus à la cause de l'impérialisme américain, le multiculturalisme. Dans cet essai à mi-chemin entre la lettre et la réflexion critique, l'historien Jean-Pierre Le Glaunec déboulonne le discours conservateur des chroniques floydiennes de Christian Rioux. Il pose surtout cette question, décisive en démocratie : jusqu'où est-il permis de tordre les faits historiques afin d'honorer nos convictions politiques ? Ce livre appelle un choix : le bruit et la haine ou la compassion et la compréhension.

  • Author:
    Raymond, Hélène, Mathé, Jacques

    En Amérique du Nord comme en Europe, des agriculteurs renouvellent leur métier en construisant des relations directes avec les consommateurs, promouvant ainsi le plaisir et le goût des aliments authentiques. Ici, on redécouvre son patrimoine alimentaire. Là, on réinvente sa gastronomie. Partout, diversité et proximité riment avec modernité et s’associent de la ferme à l’assiette. S’agit-il d’un effet de mode ou bien d’une mutation qui redessine les contours de l’agriculture du 3e millénaire, tissant de nouveaux liens entre urbains et ruraux ? Ce magnifique ouvrage témoigne du fourmillement qui gagne les campagnes dans le monde et décrypte les signaux d’un mouvement en plein essor :

    • du Témiscamingue à la Gaspésie en passant par Charlevoix au Québec,
    • du Pays basque au Poitou, du Périgord au Jura en France,
    • de la Suisse à la Toscane en Europe,
    • de l’Oregon, sur la côte Pacifique à l’État de New York aux États-Unis, les histoires des paysans rencontrés pendant deux ans par les auteurs vous étonneront autant que leurs produits vous feront rêver.

  • Author:
    Silliman, Jael

    Undivided Rights captures the evolving and largely unknown activist history of women of color organizing for reproductive justice-on their own behalf. Undivided Rights presents a textured understanding of the reproductive rights movement by placing the experiences, priorities, and activism of women of color in the foreground. Using historical research, original organizational case studies, and personal interviews, the authors illuminate how women of color have led the fight to control their own bodies and reproductive destinies. Undivided Rights shows how women of color--starting within their own Latina, African American, Native American, and Asian American communities-have resisted coercion of their reproductive abilities. Projected against the backdrop of the mainstream pro-choice movement and radical right agendas, these dynamic case studies feature the groundbreaking work being done by health and reproductive rights organizations led by women-of-color. The book details how and why these women have defined and implemented expansive reproductive health agendas that reject legalistic remedies and seek instead to address the wider needs of their communities. It stresses the urgency for innovative strategies that push beyond the traditional base and goals of the mainstream pro-choice movement-strategies that are broadly inclusive while being specific, strategies that speak to all women by speaking to each woman. While the authors raise tough questions about inclusion, identity politics, and the future of women's organizing, they also offer a way out of the limiting focus on "choice." Undivided Rights articulates a holistic vision for reproductive freedom. It refuses to allow our human rights to be divvied up and parceled out into isolated boxes that people are then forced to pick and choose among.

  • Author:
    Lule, Jack

    "This book's title tells its intent. It is written to help you understand media and culture. The media and culture are so much a part of our days that sometimes it is difficult to step back and appreciate and apprehend their great impact on our lives. The book's title, and the book itself, begin with a focus squarely on media. Think of your typical day. If you are like many people, you wake to a digital alarm clock or perhaps your cell phone. Soon after waking, you likely have a routine that involves some media. Some people immediately check the cell phone for text messages. Others will turn on the computer and check Facebook, email, or websites. Some people read the newspaper. Others listen to music on an iPod or CD. Some people will turn on the television and watch a weather channel, cable news, or Sports Center. Heading to work or class, you may chat on a cell phone or listen to music. Your classes likely employ various types of media from course management software to PowerPoint presentations to DVDs to YouTube. You may return home and relax with video games, television, movies, more Facebook, or music. You connect with friends on campus and beyond with text messages or Facebook. And your day may end as you fall asleep to digital music. Media for most of us are entwined with almost every aspect of life and work. Understanding media will not only help you appreciate the role of media in your life but also help you be a more informed citizen, a more savvy consumer, and a more successful worker. Media influence all those aspects of life as well."--BCcampus website.

  • Author:
    Downes, David M.

    This popular textbook provides the reader with an indispensable guide to criminological theory. It sympathetically outlines the principal theories of crime and rule-breaking, placing them in their European and North American contexts, confronting major criticisms that have been voiced against them, and constructing defences where appropriate. The book has been thoroughly revised and brought up to date to include new issues of crime, deviance and theory in the early twenty-first century, and includes summaries of cultural criminology and new assessments of the contribution made by Gottfredson and Hirschi to control theory.

  • Author:
    Urrea, Luis Alberto

    Underground America tells the stories of men and women who have come to the United States seeking a better life for their families, only to be subjected to dehumanizing working conditions. Supporting myriad industries, these workers form an essential part of our economy'often by working the least desirable jobs without the most basic legal protections. Underground America allows this largely ignored part of our country to finally share its experiences.

  • Author:
    Househ, Mowafa Said

    Mowafa Said Househ's family fled Palestine in 1948 and arrived in Canada in the 1970s. He spent his childhood in Edmonton, Alberta, where he grew up as a visible minority and a Muslim whose family had a deeply fractured history. In the year 2000, when Mowafa visited his family's homeland of Palestine at the beginning of the Second Intifada, he witnessed the effects of prolonged conflict and occupation. It was those observations and that experience that inspired him not only to tell his story but to realize many of the intergenerational and colonial traumas that he shares with the Indigenous people of Turtle Island. His moving memoir depicts the lives of those who live on occupied land and the struggles that define them.

  • Author:
    Acho, Emmanuel

    This program is read by the author, and includes a bonus conversation. An urgent primer on race and racism, from the host of the viral hit video series " Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man" "You cannot fix a problem you do not know you have." So begins Emmanuel Acho in his essential guide to the truths Americans need to know to address the systemic racism that has recently electrified protests in all fifty states. "There is a fix," Acho says. "But in order to access it, we're going to have to have some uncomfortable conversations." In Uncomfortable Conversations With a Black Man , Acho takes on all the questions, large and small, insensitive and taboo, many white Americans are afraid to ask—yet which all Americans need the answers to, now more than ever. With the same open-hearted generosity that has made his video series a phenomenon, Acho explains the vital core of such fraught concepts as white privilege, cultural appropriation, and "reverse racism." In his own words, he provides a space of compassion and understanding in a discussion that can lack both. He asks only for the listener's curiosity—but along the way, he will galvanize all of us to join the antiracist fight. A Macmillan Audio production from Flatiron Books

  • Author:
    Murray, Will

    This is the first and only book for uncles and aunts who want to have a positive and lasting impact on their sibilings’ children. Uncle: The Definitive Guide for Becoming the World’s Greatest Aunt or Uncle celebrates the unique, indispensable and slightly zany role of aunts and uncles in our society.  It helps aunts and uncles realize their role through a collection nearly 190 fun and whacky activities that nieces and nephews need to master to grow up as great kids:  things that the grandparents have forgotten and that the parents wouldn’t ever think to teach.  Show them how to scream, “Haaaaaaay!” while Dad is driving past a farm. Turn an orange peel into teeth that would scare a dentist away from her drill. Or spend time hanging out doing the fine art of nothing. The Uncle: The Definitive Guide for Becoming the World’s Greatest Aunt or Uncle will appeal to anyone who has an endearing aunt or uncle, whether blood relative or a revered unofficial aunt or uncle, or scoutmasters and other adults who get to engage kids in fun and useful activities. It’s a far better birthday gift than another tie.

  • Author:
    Thompson, Cheryl

    Jackie Robinson, President Barack Obama, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, O. J. Simpson, and Christopher Darden have all been accused of being an Uncle Tom during their careers. How, why, and with what consequences for our society did Uncle Tom morph first into a servile old man and then into a racial epithet hurled at African American men deemed, by other Black people, to have betrayed their race? Uncle Tom, the eponymous figure in Harriet Beecher Stowe's sentimental anti-slavery novel, Uncle Tom's Cabin, was a loyal Christian who died a martyr's death. But soon after the best-selling novel appeared, theatre troupes across North America and Europe transformed Stowe's story into minstrel shows featuring white men in blackface. In Uncle, Cheryl Thompson traces Tom's journey from literary character to racial trope. She exposes the relentless reworking of Uncle Tom into a nostalgic, racial metaphor with the power to shape how we see Black men, a distortion visible in everything from Uncle Ben and Rastus the Cream of Wheat chef to the first interracial dance partners in Hollywood, Shirley Temple and Bill 'Bojangles' Robinson. In a post-truth North America, where nostalgia is used as a political tool to rewrite history, Uncle makes the case for why understanding the production of racial stereotypes matters more than ever before.

  • Author:
    Thompson, Cheryl

    From martyr to insult, how 'Uncle Tom' has influenced two centuries of racial politics.Jackie Robinson, President Barack Obama, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, O.J. Simpson and Christopher Darden have all been accused of being an Uncle Tom during their careers. How, why, and with what consequences for our society did Uncle Tom morph first into a servile old man and then to a racial epithet hurled at African American men deemed, by other Black people, to have betrayed their race?Uncle Tom, the eponymous figure in Harriet Beecher Stowe's sentimental anti-slavery novel, Uncle Tom's Cabin, was a loyal Christian who died a martyr's death. But soon after the best-selling novel appeared, theatre troupes across North America and Europe transformed Stowe's story into minstrel shows featuring white men in blackface. In Uncle, Cheryl Thompson traces Tom's journey from literary character to racial trope. She explores how Uncle Tom came to be and exposes the relentless reworking of Uncle Tom into a nostalgic, racial metaphor with the power to shape how we see Black men, a distortion visible in everything from Uncle Ben and Rastus The Cream of Wheat chef to Shirley Temple and Bill 'Bojangles' Robinson to Bill Cosby.In Donald Trump's post-truth America, where nostalgia is used as a political tool to rewrite history, Unclemakes the case for why understanding the production of racial stereotypes matters more than ever before.

  • Author:
    Burke, Tarana

    "Tarana Burke, I just finished Unbound . Searing. Powerful. Needed!! Thank you." —Oprah This program is read by the author. From the founder and activist behind one of the largest movements of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, the "me too" movement, Tarana Burke debuts a powerful memoir about her own journey to saying those two simple yet infinitely powerful words — me too — and how she brought empathy back to an entire generation in one of the largest cultural events in American history. Tarana didn't always have the courage to say "me too." As a child, she reeled from her sexual assault, believing she was responsible. Unable to confess what she thought of as her own sins for fear of shattering her family, her soul split in two. One side was the bright, intellectually curious third generation Bronxite steeped in Black literature and power, and the other was the bad, shame ridden girl who thought of herself as a vile rule breaker, not of a victim. She tucked one away, hidden behind a wall of pain and anger, which seemed to work...until it didn't. Tarana fought to reunite her fractured soul, through organizing, pursuing justice, and finding community. In her debut memoir she shares her extensive work supporting and empowering Black and brown girls, and the devastating realization that to truly help these girls she needed to help that scared, ashamed child still in her soul. She needed to stop running and confront what had happened to her, for Heaven and Diamond and the countless other young Black women for whom she cared. They gave her the courage to embrace her power. A power which in turn she shared with the entire world. Through these young Black and brown women, Tarana found that we can only offer empathy to others if we first offer it to ourselves. Unbound is the story of an inimitable woman's inner strength and perseverance, all in pursuit of bringing healing to her community and the world around her, but it is also a story of possibility, of empathy, of power, and of the leader we all have inside ourselves. In sharing her path toward healing and saying "me too," Tarana reaches out a hand to help us all on our own journeys. A Macmillan Audio production from Flatiron Books " Sometimes a single story can change the world. Unbound is one of those stories. Tarana's words are a testimony to liberation and love." —Brené Brown "Burke's Unbound is worthy of being considered next to I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings as one of those rare books that will unfold and welcome parts of us we thought we'd completely hid until the earth is gone. Unbound is the one we readers and writers have been waiting for. " —Kiese Laymon , author of Heavy "Tarana Burke is the most important voice of our generation and Unbound is an offering that will set free hearts, families, and communities. I will never stop being grateful for Tarana Burke's wisdom and courage—and I will never stop thinking about this book. " —Glennon Doyle, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Untamed


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