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Autobiographical fiction

  • Author:
    Lagueux, Nathalie

    Voici l'histoire de courage de Nathalie qui, depuis l'âge de 15 ans, a dû composer avec des troubles mentaux, des tentatives de suicide, la toxicomanie, l'itinérance et la violence. Malgré son mal de vivre, elle tente de se rétablir en réalisant ses rêves tout en retrouvant sa dignité. A l'aube de la quarantaine, hospitalisée dans un institut psychiatrique où elle subit des électrochocs, Nathalie reprend contact avec l'adolescente suicidaire qu'elle avait été, et ce, afin de donner un sens aux souffrances et guérir les plaies ouvertes d'un passé non résolu. Tombée sur un extrait de journal écrit par la jeune Nathalie, où elle évoquait timidement l'espoir d'un futur plus rose que noir, l'adulte à la croisée des chemins sort de sa torpeur pour actualiser ses rêves oubliés. Ce vibrant témoignage touchera plus d'un lecteur. Qui n'a pas été confronté au mal de vivre - le sien ou celui d'un proche - , à ce désir de mourir, à la maladie mentale ? Dans un style coloré et non dépourvu d'humour, ce récit témoigne du combat d'une battante contre ses idées noires, qui passera de la tentative de suicide à la tentative de vivre. « Espoir » est le mot clé de cet ouvrage. Oui, il est possible de se rétablir du mal de vivre et de la maladie mentale. Nathalie Lagueux en est la preuve vivante ! Nathalie Lagueux est travailleuse sociale, conférencière et formatrice passionnée. Depuis 2006, elle a présenté des conférences à des milliers de personnes du réseau de la santé et des services sociaux ainsi que du public en général, tant en Europe qu'au Canada. Elle a également rédigé plusieurs articles dans des ouvrages scientifiques dans différents pays. Au fil des années, elle est devenue une figure de proue au Québec en matière de rétablissement en santé mentale.

  • Author:
    Pons, Lele

    "Ten million followers and I still sit alone at lunch." Lele is a bulls-eye target at her new school in Miami until, overnight, her digital fame catapults the girl with cheerleader looks, a seriously silly personality, and a self-deprecating funny bone into the popular crowd. Now she's facing a whole new set of challenges--the relentless drama, the ruthless cliques, the unexpected internet celebrity--all while trying to keep her grades up and make her parents proud.

  • Author:
    Tagaq, Tanya

    From the internationally acclaimed Inuit throat singer who has dazzled and enthralled the world with music it had never heard before, a fierce, tender, heartbreaking story unlike anything you've ever read. Fact can be as strange as fiction. It can also be as dark, as violent, as rapturous. In the end, there may be no difference between them. A girl grows up in Nunavut in the 1970s. She knows joy, and friendship, and parents' love. She knows boredom, and listlessness, and bullying. She knows the tedium of the everyday world, and the raw, amoral power of the ice and sky, the seductive energy of the animal world. She knows the ravages of alcohol, and violence at the hands of those she should be able to trust. She sees the spirits that surround her, and the immense power that dwarfs all of us. When she becomes pregnant, she must navigate all this. Veering back and forth between the grittiest features of a small arctic town, the electrifying proximity of the world of animals, and ravishing world of myth, Tanya Tagaq explores a world where the distinctions between good and evil, animal and human, victim and transgressor, real and imagined lose their meaning, but the guiding power of love remains. Haunting, brooding, exhilarating, and tender all at once, Tagaq moves effortlessly between fiction and memoir, myth and reality, poetry and prose, and conjures a world and a heroine readers will never forget.

  • Author:
    McCormack, Mike

    A vital, tender, death-haunted work by one of Ireland's most important contemporary writers, Solar Bones is a celebration of the unexpected beauty of life and of language, and our inescapable nearness to our last end. It is All Souls Day, and the spirit of Marcus Conway sits at his kitchen table and remembers. In flowing, relentless prose, Conway recalls his life in rural Ireland: as a boy and man, father, husband, citizen. His ruminations move from childhood memories of his father's deftness with machines to his own work as a civil engineer, from transformations in the local economy to the tidal wave of global financial collapse. Conway's thoughts go still further, outward to the vast systems of time and history that hold us all. He stares down through the "vortex of his being," surveying all the linked circumstances that combined to bring him into this single moment, and he makes us feel, if only for an instant, all the terror and gratitude that existence inspires. Solar Bones is a masterwork that builds its own style and language one broken line at a time; the result is a visionary accounting of the now.

  • Author:
    Griffith, Nicola

    From the author of Hild, a fierce and urgent autobiographical audiobook about a woman facing down a formidable foe. So Lucky is the sharp, surprising new audiobook by Nicola Griffith-the profoundly personal and emphatically political story of a confident woman forced to confront an unnerving new reality when in the space of a single week her wife leaves her and she is diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. Mara Tagarelli is, professionally, the head of a multimillion-dollar AIDS foundation; personally, she is a committed martial artist. But her life has turned inside out like a sock. She can't rely on family, her body is letting her down, and friends and colleagues are turning away-they treat her like a victim. She needs to break that narrative: build her own community, learn new strengths, and fight. But what do you do when you find out that the story you've been told, the story you've told yourself, is not true' How can you fight if you can't trust your body' Who can you rely on if those around you don't have your best interests at heart, and the systems designed to help do more harm than good' Mara makes a decision and acts, but her actions unleash monsters aimed squarely at the heart of her new community. This is fiction from the front lines, incandescent and urgent, a narrative juggernaut that rips through sentiment to expose the savagery of America's treatment of the disabled and chronically ill. But So Lucky also blazes with hope and a ferocious love of self, of the life that becomes possible when we stop believing lies.

  • Author:
    Roberts, Gregory David

    "It took me a long time and most of the world to learn what I know about love and fate and the choices we make, but the heart of it came to me in an instant, while I was chained to a wall and being tortured."

    So begins this epic, mesmerizing first novel set in the underworld of contemporary Bombay. Shantaram is narrated by Lin, an escaped convict with a false passport who flees maximum security prison in Australia for the teeming streets of a city where he can disappear.

    Accompanied by his guide and faithful friend, Prabaker, the two enter Bombay's hidden society of beggars and gangsters, prostitutes and holy men, soldiers and actors, and Indians and exiles from other countries, who seek in this remarkable place what they cannot find elsewhere.

    As a hunted man without a home, family, or identity, Lin searches for love and meaning while running a clinic in one of the city's poorest slums, and serving his apprenticeship in the dark arts of the Bombay mafia. The search leads him to war, prison torture, murder, and a series of enigmatic and bloody betrayals. The keys to unlock the mysteries and intrigues that bind Lin are held by two people. The first is Khader Khan: mafia godfather, criminal-philosopher-saint, and mentor to Lin in the underworld of the Golden City. The second is Karla: elusive, dangerous, and beautiful, whose passions are driven by secrets that torment her and yet give her a terrible power.

    Burning slums and five-star hotels, romantic love and prison agonies, criminal wars and Bollywood films, spiritual gurus and mujaheddin guerrillas---this huge novel has the world of human experience in its reach, and a passionate love for India at its heart. Based on the life of the author, it is by any measure the debut of an extraordinary voice in literature.

  • Author:
    Portal, Louise

    Inspirée par des femmes qu'elle a connues et aimées, Louise Portal brosse quinze portraits de celles ayant appris à vivre seules. Qu'elles soient d'éternelles amoureuses ou qu'elles aient renoncé à l'amour, qu'elles soient artistes, gestionnaires, soignantes ou retraitées, toutes continuent d'avancer, belles, vulnérables et fortes. À leur manière. Ces femmes libres, issues de générations variées, forment un kaléidoscope chatoyant de personnes singulières et touchantes. Avec plus ou moins de facilité, elles ont apprivoisé la solitude, aspirant à vivre pleinement et à vieillir sereinement.

  • Author:
    Brown, Geoffrey

    Can a breakup break you apart? In Self-Titled, Geoffrey Brown stares into a mirror and writes what he sees, what he thinks, what he feels. The result? A self-portrait that's at once comic and psychotic, a complex consciousness captured in crystalline prose. Memories, manias, miasmas - Brown morphs the machinery of his mind into an utterly original entity, equal parts diary, criminal confession, sex manual and mash note, as he contemplates a breakup. The novel splits into two parts; in 'First,' our slacker hero analyzes the minutiae of the relationship, trying to understand what he did, why it went wrong, and whether she'll come back. In 'Second' he knows she's not coming back, and he gets angry, flagellating himself with a whip of wordplay and remorse. Self-Titled is a singular achievement with universal appeal: who hasn't squinted into a mirror and said, 'What the hell is happening here?' If Gertrude Stein's autobiography was Everybody's Autobiography, then Brown's self-portrait is everybody's self-portrait. Guest edited for the press by Derek McCormack.

  • Author:
    Meruane, Lina

    This autobiographical novel describes a young Chilean writer recently relocated to New York for doctoral work who suffers a stroke, leaving her blind and increasingly dependent on those closest to her. Fiction and autobiography intertwine in an intense, visceral, and caustic novel about the relation between the body, illness, science, and human relationships. Winner of the Sor Juana IneÌs de la Cruz Prize (Mexico), 2012, and of the Anna Seghers Prize (Germany), 2011.

  • Author:
    Gilbert, Sky

    A daring foray into the groundbreaking genre of autobiographical fiction. Sad Old Faggot is the absorbing, sometimes embarrassing, always entertaining story of a lonely, self-obsessed, selfish, deluded, impotent 62-year-old gay man named Sky Gilbert who--despite his best intentions--cannot help but become a stereotype. Sky's main claim to fame is founding Buddies in Bad Times Theatre in 1979. But since leaving Buddies, he's fallen on hard times. Sky Gilbert is no longer even remotely famous. He has to fight off his own bitterness as audiences for his plays steadily dwindle. Theatre people dismiss his work as old news and point to the fact that he teaches at the University of Guelph as proof: his descent into academia clearly signals his failure as an artist. All along the way, the book questions our truths and celebrates their mutability. What is really true about each of us? What do we actually know about ourselves? And how much, it asks, of our own personal truth is based on fact ' and how much is rooted in fiction?

  • Ru
    Thúy, Kim

    Écrit sur un ton féminin, sensible et très original, Ru dénote un grand talent dans l'art de raconter, où le souvenir devient prétexte tantôt au jeu, tantôt au recueillement. L'ouvrage est composé de très courts textes liés un peu comme dans une ritournelle, ce qui permet de faire le pont entre tous les événements que la narratrice a connus et qu'elle relate avec beaucoup d'esprit, de finesse : sa naissance au Vietnam pendant la guerre, sa fuite avec les boat people, son accueil dans une petite ville du Québec, ses études, ses liens familiaux, sa vie amoureuse, son enfant autiste... Ru présente le récit intimiste d'une survivante, oscillant entre le tragique et le comique, entre le prosaïque et le spirituel, qui contient toute la grandeur de la vie.

  • Author:
    Farah, Alain, Lederhendler, Lazer

    The writer Alain Farah is living in two time periods, and he feels out of place in both. At the opening of his story, we find ourselves at McGill in 1962 and 2012. But the real problem lies elsewhere: on campus, a psychiatrist is conducting dangerous and unethical experiments on his patients. The writer’s uncle, Nab Safi, knows something about it, but soon he won’t around to tell his story. And so begins an investigation in which time, place, memory, and people collide. A mother in the Lebanese ghetto bets her son in a game of dice to settle her debts. Dinosaurs are resurrected. An odd gun will be used to determine the outcome for those who truly believe. A torn old photo and a gothic swimming pool lead to the disturbing depths of Ravenscrag, a mournful manor with 36 chambers . . . Ravenscrag is an intriguing and truly original blend of retro science fiction and autobiography. It’s about resilience, literature as remedy, and ultimately, it’s a novel about survival through storytelling.

  • Author:
    Louis, Édouard

    Ce texte bref est d'une extrême intensité, due à la violence des sentiments exprimés, plus aimants que haineux. La haine, si haine il y a, est adressée aux "dominants", aux responsables politiques et économiques de la souffrance individuelle d'un homme qui n'a pas sa place dans le monde et qui veut aimer sans le pouvoir : le père de l'auteur. Revenant sur son enfance, mais partant des derniers mois où il a revu son père physiquement détruit, et pourtant fier que son fils ait publié des livres et soit devenu célèbre, l'auteur se remémore des épisodes clés de son enfance et de son adolescence, tentant de comprendre le couple de ses parents et l'amour distordu qu'ils lui ont porté, effrayés par la personnalité hors du commun de leur fils, dont ils admirent l'intelligence, mais regrettent la singularité, qui en même temps les flatte.

  • Author:
    Burroughs, William S.

    Set in Mexico City during the early fifities, the story follows William Lee from bar to bar in the American expatriate scene as he pursues a young man named Allerton.

  • Author:
    Gagnon, Suzanne

    Un roman sensible, qui nous transporte dans l’Algérie des années 1970 et nous propose un regard encore très actuel sur la condition des femmes dans des pays de confession musulmane. Alger, 1978. Dès sa descente d’avion, Anna subit un choc : femmes voilées, présence inquiétante de l’armée, regards hostiles et mépris des hommes pour la femme occidentale qu’elle incarne. Mariée depuis peu à un diplomate canadien, la jeune pianiste vient d’abandonner sa vie et sa carrière à Boston pour suivre son mari en Algérie. Sous les appels obsédants des muezzins, le quotidien s’organise péniblement, entre les pénuries d’eau et de nourriture, le harcèlement des garçons du voisinage et la méfiance de la population. Presque murée dans sa résidence — malgré son passeport diplomatique –, Anna cherche à comprendre ce qui se passe autour d’elle. Heureusement, elle peut compter sur la fidélité de sa servante Zohra, la complicité d’une amie, Nadia, et d’un médecin, Philippe, pour surmonter son désarroi.

  • Author:
    Kerouac, Jack

    Follows the counterculture escapades of members of the Beat generation as they seek pleasure and meaning while traveling coast to coast.

  • Author:
    Maugham, W. Somerset

    The author of The Razor's Edge explores the longing for love and freedom in this coming-of-age story-"a novel of the utmost importance" (Theodore Dreiser). Born with a clubfoot and orphaned at an early age, Philip Carey has long felt set apart from others. In the care of his doting aunt and dismissive uncle, he finds solace and escape in reading. But when he is sent to boarding school, he finds himself once again alone in heart and spirit. It is these cold beginnings that set him on a search for true happiness. Philip's quest will take him around the world: from Germany, where he finds cheer in the company of kindred outsiders; and London, where his upper-class heritage earns him undeserved scorn; to Paris, where the world of art initially entrances him, then leaves him frustrated. Returning to London, he enters a torturous and self-destructive affair with a cold-hearted waitress, experiences loss and betrayal, and ultimately learns that the search for predetermined happiness often ends in disappointment and disillusionment. Drawing on his own experiences, W. Somerset Maugham paints an unforgettable portrait of the agony of desire in what is considered his greatest masterpiece. This ebook has been professionally proofread to ensure accuracy and readability on all devices.

  • Author:
    Bezmozgis, David
  • Author:
    Knausgaard, Karl Ove

    My Struggle: Book One introduces American readers to the audacious, addictive, and profoundly surprising international literary sensation that is the provocative and brilliant six-volume autobiographical novel by Karl Ove Knausgaard. It has already been anointed a Proustian masterpiece and is the rare work of dazzling literary originality that is intensely, irresistibly readable. Unafraid of the big issues- death, love, art, fear- and yet committed to the intimate details of life as it is lived, My Struggle is an essential work of contemporary literature.

  • Author:
    Knausgaard, Karl Ove

    My Struggle introduces American readers to the audacious, addictive, and profoundly surprising international literary sensation that is the provocative and brilliant six-volume autobiographical novel by Karl Ove Knausgaard. It has already been anointed a Proustian masterpiece and is the rare work of dazzling literary originality that is intensely, irresistibly readable. Unafraid of the big issues-death, love, art, fear-and yet committed to the intimate details of life as it is lived, My Struggle is an essential work of contemporary literature.


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