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Religion and spirituality

  • Auteur:
    Madden, Thomas F.

    In this course, Saint Louis University professor Thomas F. Madden discusses the history of the Crusades as well as their legacy.

  • Auteur:
    Donofrio, Beverly

    Entering her 40th year, Beverly Donofrio, a "lapsed Catholic," inexplicably begins collecting Virgin Mary memorabilia at yard sales. Soon, immersing herself in a spiritual quest, she makes a pilgrimage to the holy city of Medjugorje. There, she learns that Mary comes into a person's life only when pride steps out and receives a bonus: hope.

  • Auteur:
    Blackwell, John

    What makes life worth living? How do we develop relationships that are meaningful and rewarding? How does God transform our lives, bringing us to fulfillment and completion? These are the kinds of questions that the Gospel of John deals with. More than any other Gospel, John recognized that the life of Jesus Christ brings all of creation to fulfillment, creating a whole new world. The Gospel of John is also about relationships—the kind that last, the kind that bring deep satisfaction. A Whole New World is the first book in a new series. It is a most enjoyable read. Here, John N. Blackwell shows how our lives and our relationships can embody the love of God right where we are. The Gospel of John is all about insight, and Blackwell has written a series of short essays that will open your eyes to those insights. Everything in this book is clear and accessible. You will see those insights in this book. You will then be able to recognize the power of God in your life and in our world. By the time you finish this book, you will understand how John's powerful Gospel brings about A Whole New World.

  • Auteur:
    Yutzy, Mary Lou, Beiler, Anne

    Wounded Trust encourages embracing the situations and experiences of life in the view of eternity. The likeness of a wound to traumatic experiences makes a real-to-life understanding of our emotional wounds. Life brings wounds, bumps, and bruises that we must face honestly to be able to fully live.

  • Auteur:
    Hettinger, Dan

    Darrel Chaney made it to the Big Leagues. He played for 7 years on one of the best teams ever to take the field, the Cincinnati Reds—the Big Red Machine. He played in 4 National League Championship Series and 3 World Series. He was in the game that the Major League Baseball Network considered the best game of the last 50 years—game 6 of the 1975 World Series. But Darrel had a nagging frustration that eroded his belief in his significance. Disappointments, setbacks and opposition attacked his dream. He was a utility player among superstars. Most men are utility players. They face the same battles that Darrel faced. They get frustrated and lose enthusiasm for work and life itself. But, when a man discovers his God given significance, he enjoys life more and does better in it. Then, whatever his game, he is in the Big Leagues.

  • Auteur:
    Harpur, Tom

    Following the extraordinary and ongoing success of his 2004 book The Pagan Christ, scholar and author Tom Harpur was deluged with readers' requests to go more deeply into the mythological, allegorical approach to the story of Jesus he took in that bestselling book. In Water Into Wine, Harpur sets out the powerful and transforming message that emerges when the Gospels are finally read as they were originally intended to be and as they were understood by the first Christians, such as Origen and Clement. Seen in their true mythological and symbolical meaning, the stories in the drama of Jesus' life come alive in a totally fresh way—not as the account of a single, distant god-man working strange miracle like Superman or some other fictional magician, but as a description of the evolution of the soul in everyone of us. The theme of the Gospels parallels exactly the theme of the Old Testament, as well as every ancient sacred text, which is that a spark of the divine spirit incarnates in each and every human being. Tom Harpur shows how "the old, old story" is at the heart of every religion and how it is really our own personal story too. Water Into Wine is a tour de force written by a skilled and learned communicator that should excite and nourish every true seeker after spiritual fulfillment. As well, it has the enormous potential for furthering the goal of global understanding and peace.

  • Auteur:
    Roberts, Ken L.

    On a routine trip to a women’s Bible study, Ken’s wife of twenty-five years was killed in a car accident. At the time of the accident, Ken was forty-seven years of age, the father of two adult children, and the pastor of a large and growing congregation. Using his own story, as well as his thirty plus years of experience in pastoring hundreds of others through adversity and tragedy, Ken in his new book Unexpected: Navigating Life’s Unforeseen Turns will help you navigate through your unexpected turns in life and in the process become the person you hope to become.

  • Auteur:
    Bank, Dennis

    The Piper exposes a frightening deceptive agenda flaunted by most if not all of the modern Bible versions affecting at least 24 major tenants of the Christian faith. An agenda painfully obvious to see once it is exposed to the light of the glorious gospel.

  • Auteur:
    Lender, Mandy (Menahem)

    The Master Attractor: The Law of Attraction in the Holy Bible and Beyond explains the Law of Attraction as a mindset known for over two thousand years to the authors of the Bible. Modern scientific fields from neuro-biology, neuro-psychology and social sciences identified the foundations and mechanisms of action of the universal Law of Attraction. From biblical rulers and prophets to contemporary inventors, politicians, physicians, sports champions and evangelists to modern thought-leaders -- all use the framework of the Law of Attraction. They align their life and activities with the Law of Attraction and manifest their life objectives. As a testimonial that successful personal manifesting is consistent with Biblical morals and ethics, the book reviews Master Attractors from Moses to Paul and modern Master Attractors as Albert Schweitzer, Sir Roger Bannister, and Billy Graham among others.

  • Auteur:
    Beamer, Renee

    The Love Triangle: What Every Couple Needs for a Successful Marriage exposes God’s design for holy matrimony as detailed in Ephesians 5:22-33. Strife in the home ends as husbands love sacrificially and wives submit humbly, but how is this lived out? Explore faith-building testimonies and scriptural truths that speak hope to troubled marriages and wisdom for all couples.

  • Auteur:
    ATWOOD, Mary Dean

    Follow the Rainbow Path that Native Americans have travelled for centuries. Learn the remarkable spirit healing techniques of tribal shamans that can dramatically transform your inner spirit and bring you into harmony with the world around you.

  • Auteur:
    Chisum, William Boyd, Ford, Roy

    I’ll Run With You is designed to encourage the reader, that regardless the struggles that they may be going through, that strength can be found. It does this through the real life stories of individuals who while on earth, have struggled physically and although they may limp up to the gates of heaven, they will run on the other side.

  • Auteur:
    Soldano, Garrett

    Many parents do not realize they are limiting their children in what they do and what they have failed to do. God’s True Law is an internal awakening for parents to realize that their actions and subconscious belief systems are limiting their children. The teachings in this revolutionary book, if applied correctly, will make sure parents’ aspirations take root, legacies grow and family trees flourish for generations to come.

  • Auteur:
    Nielsen, Niels C.

    Election 2008 turned out to be a watershed contests, looking to crucial decisions of policy change about the war in Iraq, the international economy, global warming, social security and immigration. God in the Obama Era is written for general readers and is designed to help give objectivity and perspective on debated issues. Its approach is narrative and chronological, not dogmatic. Its premise is that the contemporary presidency stands in a longer historical tradition, which conditions both philosophical, and value judgments. A scholar, who has written in both the history and philosophy of religion, the author is interested in the long term moral values and religious symbols that motivate both voters and public officials. Of course, he is not so naïve as to suppose that truth is always on one side of the election divide. Clearly, the U. S. Constitution guarantees both freedom of worship and the non-establishment of religion. But faith convictions remain a powerful ideological force in American politics.

  • Auteur:
    Phillips, Lisa Nixon

    Faith Steps for Military Families: Spiritual Readiness Through the Psalms of Ascent delves into the 15 themes found in the 15 Psalms of Ascent in the book of Psalms. Through descriptive metaphors, the Faith Steps for Military Families depict the annual journey to Jerusalem. These special psalms explore the rich meanings of these metaphors intended originally for the Israelites, and then translates them into the lives of 21st-century military families. Themes include building a stronger spiritual foundation, family resiliency, a deeper understanding of God’s nature as Protector, Keeper, and the Night Watchman, trust in God during times of fear, or of the unknown, coping in unfriendly environments, understanding how God’s strength surrounds His own, honoring God while living out a difficult lifestyle, developing trust and contentment and other biblical guidance for dealing with the complexities of the military lifestyle.

  • Auteur:
    Mills, Bobby E.

    Corporate Christianity is about the spiritual moral decline of American culture and its direct relationship to the lack of focused moral ought Christian Spiritual Leadership in America’s Churches. Likewise, Corporate Business Leadership has a tendency to forget that charity begins at home and them spreads abroad. The end results being, Christian Communities go wanting spiritually as well as financially, while Pastoral and Business Leaders reside for the most part in ostentatious luxury. Both Spiritual and Business Leadership have forgotten that charity is love and love is charity. The philosophy of Corporate Christianity is the larger the flock, the more money you have; therefore the greater the kingdom unto Self, not God.

  • Auteur:
    Welch, Catrina

    Confident Beauty is not another message meant to convict the Christian woman into squelching her desire to be attractive, instead its insights will compel you to reflect the image of God with beauty and confidence. Image- and Life- Coach, Catrina Welch, shares far more than “what not to wear;” she addresses confidence conflicts and reveals the image identities (Img.IDs) of various women in the Bible such as Eve, Mary and the woman at the well, and guides you through a self-assessment to discover your personal Img.ID. Understanding the various styles of femininity and how they each reflect the glory of God in their own way releases women from the trap of comparison and the shame of vanity. You can have confidence that is sincere and lasting when your beauty is balanced with faith and fashion.

  • Auteur:
    Kersey, Cindy

    Many parents aren’t sure where to begin when it comes to teaching their teens about finances. Christian Finance for Teens will help, giving important information in a way teens can understand about job searching, budgeting, debt, banking, investing, insurance, taxes, and other areas of finance.

  • Auteur:
    Angry, Travis, Davis-Grauer, Wendie

    CHANGE: If I Can You Can is the story of a man destined for as much turmoil as life can provide. Travis Angry created his identity through childhood rebellion, dropping out of school, being in the military, fighting cancer, marrying, divorcing, raising children as a single father, obtaining a college degree, writing a memoir, and working as a professional speaker. Angry’s gift is showing others how to resolve fear. His mission is to help teenagers, parents, teachers, coaches, and youth group directors to understand their lives and use hope as a tool for positive change.

  • Auteur:
    Blackwell, John, Phillips, Kyra

    What would it mean for me to live in a new way—with a new outlook, with completely new methods?  What would this mean for my relationships?  What would this mean for the ways in which I conduct myself?  What manners would I change?  What kinds of things would I stop saying?  What kinds of things would I begin to say? Mark’s Gospel brings us right into the mystery of what it means to live as a member of God’s family.  He raises the most important questions for us to ponder:  What would it mean to be willing to lose my life and to take up my cross?  How might I go about implementing this vision? The Gospel of Mark, the second book in A Whole New World series, leads us into the heart of a whole new world of insight and transformation—right where we are.  John Blackwell’s essays in will help you find your way into that astounding new world.


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