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Math and science

  • Auteur:
    Relethford, John H.

    50 Great Myths of Human Evolution uses common misconceptions to explore basic theory and research in human evolution and strengthen critical thinking skills for lay readers and students. -Examines intriguing-yet widely misunderstood-topics, from general ideas about evolution and human origins to the evolution of modern humans and recent trends in the field -Describes what fossils, archaeology, and genetics can tell us about human origins -Demonstrates the ways in which science adapts and changes over time to incorporate new evidence and better explanations -Includes myths such as "Humans lived at the same time as dinosaurs;" "Lucy was so small because she was a child;" "Our ancestors have always made fire;" and "There is a strong relationship between brain size and intelligence" -Comprised of stand-alone essays that are perfect for casual reading, as well as footnotes and references that allow readers to delve more deeply into topics

  • Auteur:
    Molot, John

    How does our environment impact our health, and what can we do about it? 12,000 Canaries Can't Be Wrong is a culmination of Dr. Molot's 30 years of experience seeing more than 12,000 patients with environmentally linked illnesses. He explains how the environment contributes to the development and progression of many common conditions and illnesses, including chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia and other pain disorders, chemical sensitivity, irritable bowel syndrome, allergies and asthma, diabetes, autistic spectrum disorder, and even obesity. Dr. Molot provides a nine-point plan that will make a positive difference to our health, and to the health of our children.

  • Auteur:
    IFLScience, Parsons, Paul

    The creators of IFLScience present the most intriguing, off-beat, fascinating, and far-out facts about the universe that you should f*#ing know — right now!
    117 Things You Should F*#ing Know About Your World is a compendium of the greatest articles from IFLScience's long history, broken up by leading subjects — Health & Medicine, Plants & Animals, Technology, the Brain, Space, the Environment, Chemistry, and Physics. Each chapter opens with a new and irreverent introduction to the subject and collection of stories by author Paul Parsons, and the book features fascinating sidebars on related stories, photos, and illustrations throughout.
    From pinpointing the exact worst time to be alive in human history, to learning what makes you a procrastinator or a go-getter, to the very key to a happy sex life, and so much more, this is the science book that only the world's leading source of crazy-but-true stories could produce.

  • Auteur:
    Canada, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

    In spring 2010, federal, provincial and territorial governments undertook a dialogue with representatives of the Canadian agriculture, agri-food and agri-based processing sector (the sector) to: Develop a common understanding of the current state of the sector and key drivers shaping its future; Identify the sector’s long-term objectives; and Discuss how the sector and governments can work together to meet future challenges and take advantage of the opportunities which will present themselves. This report tries to capture the essence of all the ideas that arose during the discussion.


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